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problem skeeping arabic songs

Posted on: Raduga (English)

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2009-07-11 20:55:52

problem skeeping arabic songs

hi please mr spry or mr wolf help me i have a strange problem i have downloaded a demo version of the famous raduga 3.9.1 and have my all library songs written in arabic we live in lebanon but raduga give ??????? mark for the rename and skkep them all i rename them to englich raduga play them ,i put the same written arabic songs in winamp no problem all my window is in arabic ,help me want to use raduga what is the problem

Wolfgang Loch

2009-07-12 11:14:27

Re: problem skeeping arabic songs

Please upgrade to Raduga 3.9.6. It saves playlists in Unicode UTF-8 format.


2009-07-19 10:34:20

Re: problem skeeping arabic songs

thanks mr WOLF to ur fast reply .i have upgraded the demo from ur web to 3.9.6 , and same problem . i drop the songs written in arabic to raduga i saw them in arabic but raduga still skeep them? is it a window problem i have installed a fresh version of xp sp3 does ther any truc or something to correct in language and thanks raduga seems to me great and simple radio automation i have ever and never seen on web .please help me to solve this problem

Wolfgang Loch

2009-07-19 22:32:01

Re: problem skeeping arabic songs

How do you drag songs into Raduga? Do you use Windows Explorer or another program?


2009-07-20 20:45:06

Re: problem skeeping arabic songs

i drag songs into raduga from its explorer, and also i tested it and dragging some songs from the desktop i minimise raduga copy and then maximise raduga and paste them raduga saw the songs written in arabic tey are correct but it skeep them i make the to view there lenght it sais 4 songs in exemple duration zero 0 no problem with previous version this problem start with me since raduga 3.8xx


2009-07-20 20:46:50

Re: problem skeeping arabic songs

i drag songs into raduga from its explorer, and also i tested it and dragging some songs from the desktop i minimise raduga copy and then maximise raduga and paste them raduga saw the songs written in arabic tey are correct but it skeep them i make the to view there lenght it sais 4 songs in exemple duration zero 0 no problem with previous version this problem start with me since raduga 3.8xx

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