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Posted on: SuperEdi

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Bas Ploeger

2004-05-21 18:14:04



I just started using SuperEdi and it looks very nice. I'm not sure yet, but I think I'll keep on using it in the future.

Some suggestions for functionalities that may improve the editor quite a bit:
- possibility to save all open files
- possibility to search and replace all open files
- line numbers to the left of each line
- toolbar buttons for "close" and "close all" (BTW, why is the Close All functionality not accessible via the File menu? This is where I expected it to be.)
- some shortcut keys are not displayed on the menus (e.g. Ctrl+S does save the file, but this shortcut key is not shown in the File menu)

Don't get me wrong: I think it is a fine editor just now, but this will make it even better!

It may very well be, that some of my suggestions have already been implemented and that I simply haven't found them yet. In this case, I recommend to make these functionalities easier to find ;).

Anyway, keep up the good work!

Tom Peeters

2004-10-12 08:12:30

Re: Suggestions

Here is one feature that would make this just an inch from perfect editor completely perfect for me:

- pop an alert when an open file has changed outside the editor with the option to keep as it is or to reopen the file with the latest changes.

Other than that: great work guys!

Wolfgang Loch

2004-10-12 21:12:30

Re: Suggestions

> - possibility to save all open files

You can do this with the script Tools|Scripts|File|Save all Documents.js
Ok, maybe I should add this function to the "Save" toolbar drop-down and assign a shortcut (Ctrt+Shift+S). The "File" menu is already overloaded.

> - possibility to search and replace all open files

Again, you could do this (and more) with a script using Tools|Run Script... Use the "Save all Documents" script as starting point.

> - line numbers to the left of each line

Already implemented in version 3.4

> - toolbar buttons for "close" and "close all"

The "Close" button is the small X on the right or double-click on the document icon on the left. I'm not goint to add another button for that. The "Close All" feature is found in the "Window" menu where it belongs to. The shortcut is "Ctrl+Shift+F4". I'm not going to add a toolbar button for that.

> - some shortcut keys are not displayed on the menus (e.g. Ctrl+S
> does save the file, but this shortcut key is not shown in the File menu)

This is fixed in version 3.4. If you find other missing shortcuts, let me know.

> - pop an alert when an open file has changed

Added to the wishlist for a future version.

Meanwhile use the "Refresh" button or "F5" to reload the current document manually.

Udo Pracht

2004-12-03 14:41:31

Re: Suggestions

I'd like to come back to the suggestion already mentioned: Possibility to search and replace in all open files.
It's not that comfortable to write/run a Script for that task. It would be nice to have that option (as an additional radio button e.g.) in the search and replace dialog.


2005-01-22 12:58:16

Re: Suggestions

Line deletion, preferably via a single key.

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