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Rotations within rotations

Posted on: Raduga (English)

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Chuck Conrad

2007-07-11 21:08:22

Rotations within rotations

Has anyone figured out how to do a rotation within a rotation? For instance, I have a client that has three different spots. They want them to rotate. That's easy, but all of our spots are contained within another rotation called "Spots." They fire very reliably at their scheduled time. I've tried placing a rotation of the three spots into the spot rotation, but Raduga ignores the second rotation. Of course, I can just put the three spots into the rotation, and they will all play, but that client will be getting more plays than other spots, unless I put every client in the rotation three times. I can do that, but there must be an easier way.

The other obvious solution is to build a rotation for the three spots and assign that rotation fixed times of the day to play. Any suggestions?

I'm probably missing something simple.

Ken Westerman

2007-07-12 15:58:45

Re: Rotations within rotations

Yes Chuck we run a second rotation playlist from a first it is a bit messy but we achieve it
... Ken


2007-07-15 22:41:08

Re: Rotations within rotations

So how do you run a second rotation within an existing rotation? I've tried putting a rotation file in as an event in our spots rotation, but Raduga ignores it.

So far the only thing that has worked is by putting spots in one rotation multiple times to achieve the desired frequency. As you say, it is a bit messy, but it does work.

Enquiring minds want to know....

Ken Westerman

2007-07-16 04:27:23

Re: Rotations within rotations

I will have my own version of 3.9 on Wednesday or Friday and will put what we do on this Raduga I will have for doing research for the Broadcast one on line at the station so hold off for a while will bet back Anmthing and send it you Anonymous ASAP

Chuck Conrad

2007-07-16 04:38:07

Re: Rotations within rotations

I'm actually not anonymous. I just down-loaded Firefox, since IE was giving me problems. It seems I don't have everything set up properly, so the web site did not recognize me.

Ken Westerman

2007-07-29 06:39:59

Re: Rotations within rotations

Hello Chuck

I am getting no where I thought I had it beaten but a rotation playlist appears unable to have a trap put in it to go and load another playlist of any kind...

I was wanting to put all the good shows in and have an exit at end of each episode to go to normal scheduled playlist. But no luck it just goes to next thing after this trap no exit.

I Know it may sound as if im a lazy person I think you would be right.

So I cannot setup months in advance have to do a weekly thing ... Ken

Chuck Conrad

2007-07-29 14:51:10

Re: Rotations within rotations

Ken, It sounds like you are finding the same thing I did.

For those of us who use rotations a lot, it would be a huge time saver if you could build rotations with other rotations inside of them. If Wolfgang could figure out how to do that, I'd be happy to pay for the upgrade. Maybe it's something to think about including in a "next" version.

The only other improvements I can think of would be some type of artist and same song separation /protection without resorting to Air List.

Bundle those three requests into a version 4.0 while keeping the general operation and feel of the existing program, and I'd be very interested. Maybe others would as well.

Ken Westerman

2007-07-30 01:58:27

Re: Rotations within rotations

Thank you Chuck for coming back...It would be great for me to schedule in advance and not worry about really anything going wrong...

The worst of this Community Radio station is I am the only one with the Radio Knowledge (I am a Ham) and Computer Knoweledge (I have been in computing since June 1963)

I am not griping but my volunteer job is a real big hands on. I dislike talking on the air. I am proud of what I am doing for this little town of Dunedoo population of 850 ...

Ken Westerman

2007-07-30 06:24:17

Re: Rotations within rotations


What I really want is a way to exit a rotation part of the way through an episode may be 10 MP3's or more. And next week I start this rotation and it takes off from where it was up to last week..

Practically everything here is started from the events schedule Raduga is definately the way to go

Chuck Conrad

2007-07-31 00:51:18

Re: Rotations within rotations

Since a rotation only plays one file and returns to your regular play-list, couldn't you schedule the desired number of the same rotation back to back in Raduga's scheduler? I haven't tried it, but if they were scheduled just a few seconds (even one second) apart from each other, it seems like Raduga would dutifully play one file for every time you had that rotation scheduled. Once it has played the rotation the appropriate number of times, it will return to your regular play list. When you come back to the rotation next week (or whenever) it should pick up where you left off.

Ken Westerman

2007-08-01 06:20:10

Re: Rotations within rotations

Chuck Thanks for coming back

The only trouble the episodes very in number of files...

I do a separation of one second to make the automated time go out with silence under it instead of a song starting straight away also I separate the community notices by a second to get correct continuity.... This has nothing to do with the roational thingo.

An ordinary playlist can be exited anywhere I thought rotational ones would be the same I have tried the mini playlist but still no good... But by using the MPL I find I have nothing put on the log...

Wolf seems very quiet maybe he is on holidays.

Ken Westerman

2007-12-24 12:55:08

Re: Rotations within rotations

Please is there any fix made for our problems ...

Chuck Conrad

2007-12-24 18:06:04

Re: Rotations within rotations

As I mentioned, I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount for a patch that would allow me to place a rotation inside of an rotation. For instance if "Ace Hardware" had three spots they wanted rotated, I'd just make up a rotation called "acehardware.rot"

Instead of putting the three spots in my spot rotation spaced out, I'd just enter "acehardware.rot" once. Every time that command came around, it would play one of the spots. It seems simple.

I'd also pay for some kind of artist and song protection. I know I can use Airlist, but I'm sorry, I just did not like the demo. If I have to learn a program all over again, I might as well just buy a different automation system that has it integrated into it. I really don't want to do that because I'm very comfortable with Raduga. After using it for nearly 6 years, I can talk any of my volunteers through doing just about anything over the phone with out even looking at the screen. I like that.

Old dogs don't like new tricks, especially when the old trick has worked very well for them for quite some time.

Oh, and by the way, Merry Christmas everyone!

Ken Westerman

2007-12-25 11:56:17

Re: Rotations within rotations

Hello Conrad

We definately do not want go away from Raduga.I have been told there is other cheaper Software around that will do this.

Like you I know Raduga and have written my own software to monitor what is going on like we have to have 25% Australian 5 minute per hour limit of sponsors advertisements I also create statements of airing from the log for sponsors and our community organizations.

...Ken Westerman

Ken Westerman

2007-12-25 11:56:33

Re: Rotations within rotations

Hello Conrad

We definately do not want go away from Raduga.I have been told there is other cheaper Software around that will do this.

Like you I know Raduga and have written my own software to monitor what is going on like we have to have 25% Australian 5 minute per hour limit of sponsors advertisements I also create statements of airing from the log for sponsors and our community organizations.

...Ken Westerman

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