Re: Save As... encodings & Codepages
In the .iss file you specify a locale id (LanguageID, see LCID) and the code page number (LanguageCodePage). This table should help you decide which locale id and codepage to use for a given language: For example, for Russian you choose LanguageID=$0419 and LanguageCodePage=1251 . But you can't see the the code page number in the encoding drop-down box. That means you have to guess right. In this case you should select "Cyrillic (Windows)". The status bar shows the corresponding encoding name "windows-1251". That proofs your guess was right :) The code page id and the encoding name are also available as automation properties. If you want to set codepage 1251 without guessing the name, do the following: Select Tools/Run Script... from the menu. Select VBScript as language. Enter the script text: Document.CodePage=1251 Click Run, then click Close. Check the status bar or run the script Tools/Scripts/Info/Document Properties for confirmation. Warning: if you select the wrong codepage, e.g. 1252 instead of 1251 to save your russian text, all non-ASCII characters will be replaced by question-marks.