Menu Playlist

Add Tracks...

Opens up an Explorer window to search for the tracks you want to add. The selected track(s) will be added on the end of your playlist.

Add Random Track...

Opens up a directory seletion dialog box, where you can choose a directory containing sound files. Raduga will choose a random track from this directory.

Add Pause

Inserts a pause of 10 seconds length to the bottom of the playlist.

Add Stop Command

Adds a break in in the playlist.

Add All CD Tracks

Adds all tracks of the current CD to the end of your playlist.

Insert Stop Command

Adds a breakpoint into the playlist directly after the currently selected item.

Insert Jingle

Adds a jingle into the playlist directly after the currently selected item.


Enables you to search for a track within your playlist.


Shuffles the tracks within the playlist into a random order.


Sorts the items in the playlist by display name.

Total Length...

Calculates the total time your playlist will run.